adhcp_client6 - A DHCPv6 client written in Ada


adhcp_client6 -i iface [-e notify_binary] [-u duid_file] [-t duid_type] [-s]


adhcp_client6 is a DHCPv6 client written in the Ada programming language. It is part of the ADHCP project.


The ADHCP client runs the DHCPv6 protocol on the given iface to acquire address and network configuration from a DHCPv6 server.

After acquiring a lease, adhcp_client6 propagates the lease data to NetworkManager(8) using adhcp_notify6_dbus(8). Alternatively, the default notification mechanism can be overridden by specifying a custom external notification binary via the -e option described below.

By default the client uses the DUID-UUID (type 4) provided by the BIOS and exported by Linux in the file /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid as client identifier. The file and DUID type can be customized using the -u and -t switches. The format of the data specified with the -u switch must be raw-binary as the content is used as-is.

The client is able to run in stateless mode, requesting only DNS name servers from the DHCPv6 server. Specify the -s switch to run the client in stateless mode.


-i iface

The interface to configure.

-e notify_binary

The binary to call for external notifications, the default is /usr/local/sbin/adhcp_notify6_dbus. The specified external program is called when the client transitions to the Bound, Preinit, Rebind, Release and Renew states.

-u duid_file

Path to file containing custom DUID data. The default is /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid.

-t duid_type

The default DUID type is 4. Use this switch to specify arbitrary DUID types.


Run in stateless mode.



The ADHCP website can be found at


adhcp_notify6_dbus(8), adhcp_notify6_isc(8).